Jan 25, 2009

Tips for various earning in sizeofpaper

There are various way of earning in SIZE OF PAPER.These are given below-

1.You can earn some cents if you make downline to your account means make people to join sizeofpaper with your account's referral link.

2.You can earn 5 cents if you inform to the administrator of the site about double posting means those member who make double post.This is just by clicking the yellow rectangular box on the left side below the member's name.

3.You can earn some cents from SOP PTC.It is explained below step by step-
- Login to the website.It will look like as follows-

Now click to the sop ptc as shown in the figure.After that a page will display showing tab of view sites,my ads etc.click on the view sites.After clicking on the view site a list of ads will be displayed,click each add and leave for 30 seconds after that you will be rewarded 0.10cents to your account.click one by one in this way.